Last night – President’s Night

The first night of the season is traditionally titled President’s Night. It’s a chance for our president, Ian Mackay, to welcome us back, or welcome us for the first time if we’re one of the dozen or so who were along for the first time – Welcome!

In the first half of the evening, there was an opportunity to let other members of the club’s committee introduce themselves. We heard an outline of the programme for the year, and a point to our intention this year to offer more support to novice photographer members.

After the break, full of vibrant bustling informal chat over a hot drink, Ian shared stories from his background in photography, with a leaning towards landscapes, and in his working life as a pilot.

In something of a surprise intervention, Ian was presented with his recognition from the Scottish Photographic Federation for his ‘Frozen Dawn’, which won him a silver medal in the recent SPF Print Championship. Graham Robb, as our external competitions secretary, presented the honours.