PPS about to open at Perth Festival of the Arts

Perthshire Photographic Society’s exhibition as part of Perth Festival of the Arts opens in less than two days time. Over the weekend, a small number of PPS volunteers gathered all the framed prints in their homes. On Monday and Tuesday, a slightly larger team will take care of the hanging, to show each print at its best. And on Wednesday we’ll open our doors, in the middle of the St John’s Centre, and hope to welcome you there.

For full details see PPS exhibition page: https://www.perthshirephotographicsociety.org.uk/exhibitions/2024-perth-festival-of-the-arts/

PFA exhibition page: https://www.perthfestival.co.uk/event-Perthshire-Photographic-Society-Exhibition-id1640

PFA homepage: https://www.perthfestival.co.uk