Programme 2024-25

Here we publish details of all our visiting speakers, plus a Quick Calendar, linking to a fuller look at each evening of the season.
Meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 7.30pm, at the AK Bell Library, unless noted otherwise. Bring your own mug for a hot drink in the break.

If you’re new, details on how to join are on our membership page.

Dougie Cunningham

Scottish Landscapes

16 Oct 24
Dougie is the author of the well known book “Photographing Scotland” (re-titled in its latest edition). He last talked to PPS in 2017 and he will update us on his recent projects 

Espen Helland

Black Grouse Leks

23 Oct 24
Espen is a Norwegian ecologist working in Scotland. He is an expert on Black Grouse and leads photography workshops to leks in Perthshire. Espen is an Olympus Ambassador.

Peter Wilkinson

Wildlife on our doorstep

30 Oct 24
Peter is a local Perth photographer who documents the amazing wildlife to be found on our doorstep – from Ospreys and Otters in the Tay to the Quarrymill Kingfishers

Richard Smith

Urban Documentary

20 Nov 24
Richard (a.k.a. Rich Fotografi) is an urban photographer from Glasgow. He works with a charitable group supporting homeless people.

Debbie Wallace

Portraits of Childhood

22 Jan 25
Debbie has created a beautiful photographic record of her three girls, from babies to teenagers. Her pictures capture the dreamy, ethereal aesthetic of a perfect childhood

Chas Sievewright

Minimalism to Street

22 Jan 25
Chas is well known to many member of PPS. He will talk about how his photographic interests have evolved from B&W minimalism to gritty urban Street Photography.

Noel Clegg

Fine Art and Long Exposure Photography

26 Feb 25
Noel is one of the UK’s most accomplished Fine Art photographers. He has won numerous international competitions and has exhibited in London, Hong Kong and New York. Noel will show some of his best known pictures then demonstrate his processing technique. 

Further information about speakers and topics will be posted here as details become known.

Quick Calendar

One row per month, 4 (or 5) weeks

02 Oct 24 President’s Night09 Oct 24 Member’s talk/ Workshop16 Oct 24 Speaker: Dougie Cunningham23 Oct 24 Speaker: Espen Helland30 Oct 24 Speaker: Peter Wilkinson
06 Nov 24 Member’s talk13 Nov 24 Competition: Digital20 Nov 24 Speaker: Richard Smith27 Nov 24 Member’s talk/ Workshop
04 Dec 24 Competition: Prints11 Dec 24
18 Dec 24
25 Dec 24
01 Jan 25 Holiday08 Jan 25 Competition: Digital15 Jan 25 Member’s talk/ Workshop22 Jan 25 Speakers: Debbie Wallace; Chas Sievewright29 Jan 25 Competition:Prints
05 Feb 25 Competition:Digital12 Feb 25 Member’s talk/ Workshop19 Feb 25 Competition:Colour prints26 Feb 25 Speaker: Noel Clegg
05 Mar 25 Competition:Digital, AV12 Mar 25 Member’s talk/Workshop19 Mar 25 AGM26 Mar 25 End of season event

02 October 2024

President’s Night

PPS President Ian Mackay will welcome new and returning members as an introduction to the Society and to the forthcoming season.

09 October 2024

Member’s talk/ Workshop
In the former cafe; turn left as you enter from outside

Bring and Share

Bring some of your own images, as prints or on electronic devices, to share and discuss in small groups

16 October 2024

Speaker’s Night

Dougie Cunningham: Scottish Landscapes

Dougie is the author of the well known book “Photographing Scotland” *(re-titled in its latest edition). He last talked to PPS in 2017 and he will update us on his recent projects 

23 October 2024

Speaker’s Night

Espen Helland: Black Grouse Leks

Espen is a Norwegian ecologist working in Scotland. He is an expert on Black Grouse and leads photography workshops to leks in Perthshire. Espen is an Olympus Ambassador.

Hand-in: Main Cup

Hand-in: Four-Way Competition

30 October 2024

Speaker’s Night

Peter Wilkinson: Wildlife on our Doorstep

Peter is a local Perth photographer who documents the amazing wildlife to be found on our doorstep – from Ospreys and Otters in the Tay to the Quarrymill Kingfishers

06 November 2024

Member’s talk
In the former cafe; turn left as you enter from outside


13 November 2024

Competition: Main Cup
Judged by _____

Hand-in: PKM Trophy

20 November 2024

Speaker’s Night

Richard Smith: Urban Documentary

Richard (a.k.a. Rich Fotografi) is an urban photographer from Glasgow. He works with a charitable group supporting homeless people.

27 November 2024

Member’s talk/ Workshop
In the former cafe; turn left as you enter from outside


04 December 2024

Competition: PKM Trophy
Judged by _____

01 January 2025

Christmas holidays

Hand-in: Grant Cup

08 January 2025

Competition: Grant Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
– Online Voting Form – will be available on 08 Jan 25
Test voting form – practise your online voting here

Hand-in: Nan Borthwick Salver
Hand-in: Peter Rourke Salver

15 January 2025

In the former cafe; turn left as you enter from outside


22 January 2025

Speaker’s Night

Debbie Wallace: Portraits of Childhood

Debbie has created a beautiful photographic record of her three girls, from babies to teenagers. Her pictures capture the dreamy, ethereal aesthetic of a perfect childhood. 

PLUS Chas Sievewright: Minimalism to Street

Chas is well known to many member of PPS. He will talk about how his photographic interests have evolved from B&W minimalism to gritty urban Street Photography.

29 January 2025

Competition: Nan Borthwick Salver
Competition: Peter Rourke Salver
Judged by _____

Hand-in: Colour Rosebowl

05 February 2025

External Competition: SPF Portfolio

We’ll take a look at the high-scoring images entered by clubs around Scotland in last year’s Portfolio competition. The images have been provided by the Scottish Photographic Federation. David Hay has kindly agreed to provide a commentary to accompany the photos. Hopefully, this evening will give you a good idea of the types of photos that we will be looking for when we submit our entry for this year’s Portfolio competition.

12 February 2025

Members’ Talks Night
In the former cafe; turn left as you enter from outside


19 February 2025

Competition: Colour Rosebowl
Judged by _____

26 February 2025

Speaker’s Night

Noel Clegg: Fine Art and Long Exposure Photography

Noel is one of the UK’s most accomplished Fine Art photographers. He has won numerous international competitions and has exhibited in London, Hong Kong and New York. Noel will show some of his best known pictures then demonstrate his processing technique.

Hand-in: Dall Cup
Hand-in: Simpson Cup

05 March 2025

Competition: Dall Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
– Online Voting Form – will be available on 05 Mar 25
Test voting form – practise your online voting here

Competition: Simpson Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
– Online Voting Form – will be available on 05 Mar 25
Test voting form – practise your online voting here

12 March 2025

Members’ Talks Night
In the former cafe; turn left as you enter from outside


19 March 2025

AGM for 2024-25.

An agenda for the AGM will be sent to all members. After the AGM is complete, we plan on holding a ‘Bring and Share’ session. Please bring in some prints or digital images and we will split into small groups and talk about your images. There will be an experienced member in each group to lead the discusssions.

26 March 2025

End of season dinner and prize-giving. 7pm for 7.30pm. Details will be sent out via a newsletter.